Marcela e Adi são um casal incomum: Marcela do Brasil e Adi vinda de Israel. As duas mulheres que se conheceram quando Adi veio passar férias no Brasil, e por sorte se hospedou na mesma casa que Marcela morava no Rio de Janeiro, onde estudava Medicina. O que era pra ser um amor de verão acabou subindo serra, mares e montanhas. E quando as duas decidiram se casar, veio o desafio: reunir em um só lugar famílias e amigos de origens diferentes para celebrar o amor. O convite foi construído a três: Marcela contribuiu com as palavras, Adi com suas lindas aquarelas - que misturam as plantas nativas do Brasil e de Israel, e a mim coube juntar essas peças e produzir um convite que pudesse transitar entre o português, inglês e hebraico. O papel verde foi escolhido para ambientar o lugar da festa no Rio de Janeiro, no meio da Mata Atlântica, e as tags e cartões na parte interna foram impressos em papel semente, para que os convidados possam plantar os convites e semear os frutos dessa união.
Marcela and Adi are an unusual couple: Marcela from Brazil and Adi from Israel. The two women met when Adi came to a vacation in Brazil, and luckily stayed in the same house that Marcela lived in Rio de Janeiro, where she studied Medicine. What was supposed to be a summer love ended up climbing mountains and seas. And when the two decided to get married, the challenge was to bring families and friends from different backgrounds together to celebrate their love. The invitation was built with three pairs of hands: Marcela contributed her gift with words, Adi with her beautiful watercolors - which mix the native plants of Brazil and Israel, and it was up to me to put these pieces together and produce an invitation that could carry over between Portuguese, English and Hebrew. The green paper was chosen to evoke the site of the party - at Rio de Janeiro, in the middle of the Atlantic Forest, and the tags and cards on the inside were printed on seed paper, so that the guests could plant the invites and sow the fruits of this union.